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  1. @PamlanyeJordan

    It’s a bird it’s a plane, it’s Little Brain!

    The next visual assignment I worked on this week was worth four stars and was called It’s a bird it’s a plane. I thought this was such an interesting assignment because there are so many photos of famous myths. It is crazy how one blurry picture can keep a myth alive. This project I decided … Continue reading It’s a bird it’s a plane, it’s Little Brain!
  2. @PamlanyeJordan

    How does this song make you feel?

    My last assignment bank writing assignment for this week was worth 1 and 1/2 stars and it was called How does a song make you feel? “Choose a song that elects a certain feeling within you. Copy the youtube/soundcloud URL to a Twitter post, and tell us what feelings this song brings you. Does it … Continue reading How does this song make you feel?
  3. @PamlanyeJordan

    A Day in the Life of Venus Shadow: Writing Assignment

    A day in the life of me Venus Shadow begins with breakfast, even superheros need the energy of the most important meal of the day. Then after I have my bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich I begin fighting crime with my trusty sidekick, Shade who is a black lab, and the most loyal companion ever. … Continue reading A Day in the Life of Venus Shadow: Writing Assignment
  4. @PamlanyeJordan

    What makes a superhero story so super?

    To begin this assignment I read “How Ancient Legends Gave Birth to Modern Superheroes”  watched the very first Superman cartoon (I had never seen any of the original Superman cartoons before), and watched Kurt Vonnegut’s talk on the shapes of stories. I found the article by Evan Narcisse to be extremely interesting. I really enjoy the … Continue reading What makes a superhero story so super?
  5. @PamlanyeJordan

    All About Me!

    Hello everyone! For starters I am Jordan Pamlanye, and I am from Long Island New York. I am obviously a freshman here at Mary Washington, and I am on the women’s basketball team here. I am currently planning on majoring in psychology hoping to become a high school psychology teacher. I have two older brothers … Continue reading All About Me!

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