Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. sgrubbs2

    Weeks 12 & 13: Welcome to the Case Files

    This week we'll be taking a big turn in ds106, with each agency being assigned a case to investigate over the next two weeks. You'll have to gather evidence, build a narrative, and share your progress. Don't wait until the end; cases should be evolving and developing regularly between now and 4/19/15.
  2. sgrubbs2

    Umbrella In The Sun

    For today’s daily create I had to take an umbrella photograph. I decided to take a picture of this umbrella on a sunny day so that the light goes through the material of the umbrella and illuminates it. I used my phone to take this picture.
  3. sgrubbs2

    Agencies to Watch Out For

    by (Two Stars) For this assignment I had to use the tool “Storify” to assemble text and elements from social media. I used pictures form other people’s websites to create this post. This is Headline Crime’s first report, it shows some of the upcoming agencies and the type of thing we will be reporting … Continue reading Agencies to Watch Out For
  4. sgrubbs2

    Our Steller Story

    by (Three and a Half Stars) For this assignment I had to use the app “Steller” to make a story that includes pictures. I told a story that advertises “Headline Crime,” our news agency. It shows more of what the agency does.  I chose a black and white theme to go along with noir … Continue reading Our Steller Story
  5. sgrubbs2

    Week 11: Dark Web

    This week you all will be required to build out a web presence for your respective agencies . This entails creating the “dark web,” as it were, for Noir 106. While you can do this individually over the next few weeks, it will be far more work to try and do all that is expected alone. We highly recommend you work as part of a group to build out your respective agency sites, but this is not a requirement, just a recommendation.
  6. sgrubbs2

    Week Ten Summary

    This week was all about videos. First I had to do 15 stars of video assignments because I chose to work independently last week. This was a lot of work, but I chose to do three assignments that were worth four stars so I didn’t have to make as many individual videos. They were harder … Continue reading Week Ten Summary
  7. sgrubbs2

    What’ll It Be?

    For the final unit I decided to work with one other person. Lena Meyers and I decided to work together, we wanted to keep our group small. This will make it easier to work around our schedules. Hopefully whatever the project is turns out well!
  8. sgrubbs2

    Art Damnit!

    by (Two Stars) For this assignment I had to interview someone and ask them “why make art damnit?” I decided to interview my co-owner Liam because he is into art stuff. He sees many different uses for art and why it is important. I decided to ask him because I think he has a good … Continue reading Art Damnit!
  9. sgrubbs2

    Dakota’s Wish

    by (four and a half stars) For this assignment I had to make a five second film. I decided to make it funny and use my dog Dakota again. I dressed her up in my clothes like she was trying to be me and then made the sign to go along with it. She kept … Continue reading Dakota’s Wish
  10. sgrubbs2

    DS106 Interview

    For this interview I used a combination of the professor’s and Black’s questions to use. I think it was a good way to let people know more about myself and who I am. Hopefully my wife doesn’t see this or she might get a little jealous of Lena. Another reason I wanted to do this … Continue reading DS106 Interview
  11. sgrubbs2

    Dakota’s Tricks

    by (four and a half stars) For this assignment I had to make a 30 second documentary. I chose to show the tricks that my wife Jane taught our dog Dakota. She taught Dakota to come on cue, sit, lay down, roll over, speak, and shake. We consider Dakota a member of our family and … Continue reading Dakota’s Tricks
  12. sgrubbs2

    Take The Plunge

    For today’s daily create I had to make an inspirational poster using a phrase that I have said. I decided to use the phrase “Take The Plunge,” and use a picture of myself doing a backflip off of a bridge into the water. This quote basically means that you should try new things, take chances, … Continue reading Take The Plunge
  13. sgrubbs2

    Breakfast Selfie

    For today’s daily create I had to make a selfie out of breakfast foods. I chose to use an English muffin as the face, Honeycombs as the eyes, granola for the nose, and almonds for the smile. These foods don’t really go together but they are components of some of my different breakfasts. Of course … Continue reading Breakfast Selfie
  14. sgrubbs2

    Week 10: Finishing Video and “Changing Over”

    This week in ds106 we’ll be completing our video unit and beginning the “Changeover” that will take us through the final weeks of the course (don’t worry, we promise this won’t hurt.) Those of you who worked in groups for video during week 1 will be completing your group project; the rest of you will be completing individual video assignments. We have one last remaining video assignment everyone must do. Beyond that, you’ll all be choosing whether to organize into groups or work solo for the rest of the semester, and everyone will switch over to being their character from here on out.
  15. sgrubbs2

    Analyzing “Kiss Me, Deadly”

    This assignment shows the elements I learned from the videos about film making and the reading “How to Read a Movie.” I watched the movie “Kiss Me, Deadly,” and in this video I use some of the elements I learned to analyze a scene where Mr. Hammar is being followed by a bad guy.  
  16. sgrubbs2

    Scott’s Visit to El Jota’s Night Club

    by (Three Stars) For this assignment I had to tell a story using flashcards. I decided to have Scott tell the story of when he and his co-owner Liam visited El Jota’s night club. To make this video I wrote the flashcards and then recorded myself holding them up. Once I finished recording I realized … Continue reading Scott’s Visit to El Jota’s Night Club
  17. sgrubbs2

    Viral Video Re-enactment

    by (Three and a Half Stars) For this assignment I had to find a viral video and re-enact it. I chose to re-enact the “Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow 1-8-10″ video. This video went viral because the guy is overreacting to the double rainbow and starts crying. I thought it would be funny and entertaining if I did it … Continue reading Viral Video Re-enactment
  18. sgrubbs2

    Blur Photo

    For todays daily create we had to take an artsy blurry photo. I chose to take a picture of our tapestry, I then had to figure out how to make it blurry. To make this shot I stood across the room and started jumping up and down while taking the picture. This is what I … Continue reading Blur Photo
  19. sgrubbs2

    Mail Art

    For todays daily create we had to make art out of mail we had laying around. I decided to make an origami flower out of newspaper. Each pedal is actually and individual piece of paper. To make this I had to cut out 10 different squares of newspaper and then fold each one to make … Continue reading Mail Art
  20. sgrubbs2

    Week 9: End of Radio, Beginning of Video

    This week we finish up listening to everyone’s radio shows and turn our attention to the next media genre will be exploring: video. We’ll be watching some more films and creating a close reading video essay for one of them. In addition, you’ll be starting to explore the video assignments in the Assignment Bank and continuing your Daily Creates.
  21. sgrubbs2

    Week Eight Summary

    This week was all about our radio shows and developing our characters. First I listened to the radio show Noir D&D, for their show they were playing the game D&D and narrating what was happening as they went along. Even though I didn’t know anything about what the game was, the show was really exciting … Continue reading Week Eight Summary

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