Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tostromcpsc106

    Farewell To DS106…THE END HAS COME

    I can’t believe I am even typing my final post for DS106, The End. Usually, at the end of the semester I am happy to be done with class. However, this specific class is one I sure am sad to say goodbye to. I had so much fun working on every project I completed. There […]
  2. @tostromcpsc106


    You guys I am feeling a bit under the weather the past 24 hours! My entire complexion has changed…I’m so much paler and have these huge bags under my eyes. I feel like my head is floating off my shoulders…WHAT IS GOING ON!? Will updat...
  3. @tostromcpsc106

    Fan Fiction Wrap UP!

    This week was a relaxing but fun week! I loved focusing on assignments that had to do with the novel I chose to read over the semester. The novel I read was Wool by Hugh Howey. I ended up really enjoying the novel and have now decided I may be a fan of apocalyptic fiction! […]
  4. @tostromcpsc106

    Round Two Of Frequency 2156!

    The last assignment I completed this week was recording another radio dispatch on Frequency 2156, this time posing as a character from Wool by Hugh Howey! To complete this assinment I recorded the dispatch on Audacity, played with pitch, and then uploaded it to the website Frequency 2156. I chose to pose as Juliette. She […]
  5. @tostromcpsc106

    Call Me/Beep Me…Wool Edition

    I decided to give the Call Me/Beep me assignment another go…this time posing as a character from the novel Wool by Hugh Howey. The character I am pretending to be is Holston. Holston is leaving his wife, Allison, a voicemail. Now there aren’t cell phones in the novel but I am pretending there is. If […]
  6. @tostromcpsc106

    Sadly It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Video

    This week was a bit easier than last week because I knew a little bit more about video this time around! I found myself having a much easier time using iMovie! I decided to create a silent documentary and a collection of memories from both high school and college! I had so much fun doing […]
  7. @tostromcpsc106

    Movie Mashup

    Below is my movie mashup of the film 28 Days Later! I had a good time creating this and I’m proud of myself for figuring out a way to get DS106 incorporated into the video! I found it difficult at first but feel proud of myself for making the video as best as I could […]
  8. @tostromcpsc106

    College Snapshot

    Here is a video of some of my high school and college memories. I really enjoyed making this and taking a stroll down memory lane! I suggest others to give this assignment a go in the future!
  9. @tostromcpsc106

    A Silent Documentary: Braiding Hair

    The silent documentary below is of me braiding my hair. I found it hard to teach people how to proud without being able to explain the process. I tried to incorporate hand gestures to let my audience know to section the hair into three sections. I’m not sure how easy it is to follow along […]
  10. @tostromcpsc106

    Video Is Soon To Be Continued….

    This week was definitely the most challenging for me. I don’t usually record video unless it’s a quick video on my iPhone that I just leave on my iPhone lol. I don’t usually create videos to share like I had to this week. I decided to take path one and complete 8 stars worth of […]
  11. @tostromcpsc106

    Ketchup Week!!!

    What a fun few weeks. I had a great time working with radio! My group did a great job at meeting up and getting our radio show completed. When I heard the show I was so happy with how it turned out! I also got to catch the radio show that aired tonight. What a […]
  12. @tostromcpsc106

    Remixed Logo

    I decided to give Alex Whitmore’s logo a little revamping. I was happy with my initial logo but wanted something a little bit more than just her name. I decided to choose a cool design template on and play around with the color scheme a bit. I also decided to add in that she […]
  13. @tostromcpsc106

    & It’s A Wrap!

    So my group finished our radio show fairly early I feel like. We finalized it last week and handed it in to Professor Burtis. Overall, I am so happy with the finished project and think that Josh did a great job at editing it! It was definitely hard meeting up with my group and I […]
  14. @tostromcpsc106

    It’s Almost A Wrap People!

    Apocalyptic Airwave had their first meeting this past Saturday! Unfortunately, the HCC was locked but we relocated to a nearby coffee shop! Samara, Josh, and I discussed the script and each added more to it. It was interesting meeting with people I have only communicated with via the computer. However, I enjoyed the face to […]
  15. @tostromcpsc106

    The Start Of An Epic Radio Show!

    This week I was welcomed into a group of apocalypse survivors. We will be creating an amazing radio show about our experiences during the apocalypse and I could not be any more excited! My group members have amazing ideas to contribute for the radio show and I am looking forward to contributing some of my […]
  16. @tostromcpsc106


    #theend106 #ds106 #designblitz A post shared by Taylor Ostrom (@tostromcpsc106) on Feb 26, 2018 at 3:39pm PST The design blitz was fun! Below I will list what principle of design each object represents: Balance: This canvas hanging in my living room has a lot of balance. There is a lot going on but it doesn’t […]
  17. @tostromcpsc106

    Cheers to Week Six!

    This week was yet another fun week full of learning and excitement! I learned some helpful tips about design while watching to two assigned Ted Talks and completing some tutorials on Canva. The DesignBlitz was challenging for me because I had a hard time finding certain objects and signs that illustrate certain design elements. However, […]
  18. @tostromcpsc106

    Design Reflection

    So I just finished up watching the two Ted Talks and looking over some Canva tutorials. I have to say that I found both the videos and the tutorials very beneficial. I have no previous experience in design so I was happy to learn a bit about what design entails. The two Ted Talks were […]
  19. @tostromcpsc106

    The End of Week Five!

    As week five comes to a close I find myself feeling accomplished. Going into this week I was nervous because I had no experience with audio prior to this week. I knew about Soundcloud but never used it and I never heard of Audacity. I was thankful to see there was a resources page I […]
  20. @tostromcpsc106

    The Five Sounds I Love

    Above is the collection of my favorite sounds. I chose five sounds I enjoy hearing. They are the following: baby laughter, rain fall, wind chimes, ocean waves, and birds chirping. What are some of your favorite sounds?

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