For my second audio assignment this week, I created this commercial for our radio show. I used the 80’s commercial assignment, but bent it to fit a commercial that would go with the story I am sharing on the show. I used BandLab to create this commercial, and used sounds from BBC’s sound effect library. […]
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For the upcoming radio show project, I created this bumper using Audacity. It may sound familiar, I used the same music as I did for my first bumper that I made for ds106 radio! Because our idea was inspired by a Disney channel bit, I thought the upbeat, exciting music fit our idea, as well […]
The post Radio Bumper 2.0 appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.
For my sound effect story, I made a cup of tea on a snowy day. Tea is one of my favorite hot drinks, and I drink it religiously! I downloaded sounds from the BBC sound effect site and layered them into audacity. It was very simple, but rather tedious as it involved a fair bit […]
The post Would you like some tea? appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.
I chose to do the a capella assignment because I am a vocalist and love music. Growing up my parent’s got me piano lessons. They also paid for me to be in a community choir. Needless to say, music and my connection to it are a huge part of my story. Because of this, soundtracks […]
The post Jordan Quartet appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.