1. @jjprime1994

    Devlog – Unity Collaboration

    For Unity collaboration, I decided to go with GitHub and the GitHub for Unity extension Git helps millions of developers write and collaborate on code, but it’s not always a practical choice for building games. With the GitHub for Unity extension, Unity game developers (artists and programmers alike) can better integrate Git and GitHub into their workflow, even if they’re […]
  2. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 12

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we learned about Video editing. *Now I already know about video editing but in know way am I good at it We learned how to transition, cut, upload, and pretty much all basic type video editing skills. Upload, import, download, green screen, images, sound, unlink and link, reactions,... Continue Reading →
  3. @jayce_hovis

    Assignment Bank #DS106 (4 Stars)

    did “Digital Story Compilation” Video Assignment. In this assignment he had to grab everything you’ve done DS106 related (picture wise) and put it in a video. I had used Adobe Premiere Pro and Microsoft PowerPoint. I started off with Microsoft PowerPoint to get my images all linked together and sized properly. I then saved it... Continue Reading →
  4. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 11

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we learned about Packet Sniffing. A “Packet Sniffer” also known as a “Packet Analyzer” is a computer program (or some type of computer hardware,) that can intercept and log traffic that passes over a digital network or a certain part of the network. This program or hardware allows... Continue Reading →
  5. @jayce_hovis

    Lab 7

    Jayce Hovis­         11-2-17 Objectives: Our objective was to create a working network in which we could play an old game called Unreal Tournament. Equipment list: –At least 2 Computers –Switch –Router –Ethernet cables and Extension cords –Paper and pencil to plan your design Notes and Observations: We ended up with 1 huge... Continue Reading →
  6. @jayce_hovis

    Summary 7

    Assignment Bank 11:  In this assignment bank I grabbed only sound effects to make a story of somebody getting home at their house in the country and decided to get something to eat. Why don’t you check it out at the original blog post down below. Want to see the original blog post —> https://jaycehovis.com/2017/10/18/assignment-bank-11-ds106-4-star/ Go... Continue Reading →
  7. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 9

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we went from learning with general subnet masks to learning what a borrowed subnet mask is. bold = network addresses underline = host bits n=2 ~In Binary~ 10101100.10101000.11110010.00000001 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 10101100.10101000.11000000.00000000 ~In Binary~ A borrowed subnet mask is when a general subnet mask (class... Continue Reading →
  8. @jayce_hovis

    Lab 6

    Jayce Hovis­         10-12-17 Objectives: My objective is to create a homepage, a web server, and a FTP User account to lock it down. Equipment list: – 2 Computers – Apache – XAMPP Links: – https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html – http://news.netcraft.com/archives/web_server_survey.html – http://www.tldp.org/LDP/LG/current/wilson.html – http://www.tldp.org/LDP/nag/node15.html – https://www.w3schools.com Questions: What is the most popular type of web server in... Continue Reading →
  9. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 8

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we learned Hexadecimal.   Posted in the picture with each Binary as it gets higher it gets a higher number in to which it ends up at letters. Binary is Base-2, Hexadecimal is Base-16, and everyday decimal is base-10. Finally I posted some stuff on Diigo.com. Don’t know what it... Continue Reading →
  10. @jayce_hovis

    Radio Program Graphic

    this is the graphic I made for the Radio Program It took quite a bit of time and required both Photoshop and Illustrator. I used a reference image for ideas of where to put stars and planets. I feel this is pretty superhero theme because superhero&#821...
  11. @KatSlech

    Digital Photography- week 5

    https://www.jimrichardsonphotography.com/portfolio/C0000b.w7eKeUjZ4/G0000zJOqEEWjhHc/I0000F6E.lt9QRL4 In Jim Richardsons’ work, the ones that I liked the most were the farmers. It showed how hard working they are. To me, it showed what they are most proud of and what makes them who they are. Please watch this video, it emphasizes my point in this post. In the video editing and … More Digital Photography- week 5

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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