1. @saragdigitellsit

    Week Four-Video Storytelling

    Reflections- 1. Reflecting on Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie” and several videos on movie-making. Perspective, Perspectives 2. Reflecting on a scene from “American Psycho.” A Triple Take on American Psycho Daily Creates 1. @ds106dc #tdc2016 https://t.co/BJ64rgWJUN — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 18, 2017 2. Where's Talky Tina? @ds106dc #tdc2019 pic.twitter.com/VlxvQedBPS — Sarah Roche …

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  2. @saragdigitellsit


    @ds106dc Parents were cooler before they had kids, they haven't ~truly~ rocked the shades ever since #tdc2022 pic.twitter.com/1aVYEj78Oz — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 23, 2017
  3. jbelodeau

    Week 4 summary

    This was by far the most fun i’ve had in this class yet, I really enjoyed messing around with different video software and getting to create my own videos. I thought that the assignments were interesting and allowed me to use my creativity. Part 1: Video Assignments Video Assignment 1: Highlight Reel  – 5 stars … Continue reading "Week 4 summary"
  4. jbelodeau

    Why so serious?

    The Dark Knight is one of my all time favorite movies, and I loved Heath Ledger as the Joker, he made the character seem so creepy and sinister. So when I saw that the pencil scene from The Dark Knight was an option for the look, listen, analyze assignment I had to pick it. I first watched … Continue reading "Why so serious?"
  5. jbelodeau

    Daily Creates Week 4

    My first Daily Create, #tdc2016, I completed this week was to make a dancing robot on the website https://roboboogie.codeclub.org.uk/#dance/new. I did my best to have my robot do a popular dance called the Milly Rock, which is basically just moving your hands in a scooping motion while moving your hips and feet. I liked messing around … Continue reading "Daily Creates Week 4"
  6. @JakeWaterma

    Weekly Summary 4

    This week we focused on Video Editing / “Reading” Movies. I learned a lot from Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie”. The main points that I got out of it is his technique in pausing and analyzing movies and some of the themes we see in movies. Such as …
  7. @JakeWaterma

    “Video Crack”

    Process: I downloaded the song “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion and took a movie clip form Youtube with the Deathstar / Planet Destroyer 2.0 (or 3.0? I’m not sure how many they’ve made) destroying one of the planets from the newest Star Wars movie. I put them …
  8. @JakeWaterma

    College Snapshot – Orientation

    Process: I used Movie Maker to make this video of my Orientation. I got the photos from my IPhone, I moved them into an album and sent them from my Yahoo email to my School Email. I then uploaded all of the photos and took media from a Chillstep Remix …
  9. @JakeWaterma

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    I chose to do “The Joker Pencil Trick & Mob Scene” for my Look, Listen, Analyze assignment.   Analyze the Camera Work: Everyone started around at once, to the right, as Joker walks in slowly. The camera shows the entire table staring up at the joker. The camera switches between …
  10. @JakeWaterma

    How to read a movie

    I read through Roger Ebert’s article on “How to Read a Movie”, his techniques on how to do it do seem practical and basic. His methods are a bit slow and seems to require an audience, to get a strong grasp of all the details in the movie you are …
  11. @KwameCovino


    In this post, I created an image with lil b the based god. Lil B is one of my favorite artists. He has inspired a generation with his music as well as his positivity. While he gets mocked for a lot of the stuff he puts out, his best work is not usually talked about. …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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