1. @simplytelling

    – week four reflection –

    You know, despite the minimal amount of assignments this week…it was definitely a bit of a struggle to complete in a timely manner. Regardless of the struggle, it’s definitely awesome to be in my element of creating and editing videos. In terms of completing the assignments to the best of my abilities, I think I did an ok job for…
  2. @simplytelling

    the not-so-exciting life of me – video assignment –

    Well, hello…who’s ready to take another dive into Taylor’s life? Be warned; it’s weird and unnecessary. So the video assignment I chose to do was called “A Day in my Life” and I literally filmed this assignment three different times. I had little footage that was also awful the first two times I filmed and so yesterday I told myself…
  3. @simplytelling

    this is art…! – the daily create –

    Hey you guys…I can art now. #ds106 #tdc2020 this is art…! pic.twitter.com/cZVbKMI6Wk — Taylor (@simplytelling) July 21, 2017 Today’s daily create was to create abstract art using a cute little website, SimplifyThatSh*t. So I took a picture from a photoshoot I did last year and…I don’t understand how it came out that quite honestly. I am perplexed. Do you understand…
  4. @littlelamb0216

    Artistic Daily Create

    #ds106 #tdc2020 pic.twitter.com/dDnUPCGINz — Nicole Lamb (@littlelamb0216) July 21, 2017 Today’s Daily Create used a site called simplify.thatsh.it to take a picture and turn it into abstract art. My result and original photo can be seen above.
  5. @simplytelling

    where’s tina? – the daily create –

    First the horror noise and now where’s Talky Tina? I will not sleep tonight. #ds106 #tdc2019 this class is trying to give me nightmares… pic.twitter.com/2v8oK8cUFk — Taylor (@simplytelling) July 20, 2017 If you can find Tina, you win the prize of being observant. And hopefully the ability to sleep without nightmares. Were you able to find her? Taylor
  6. jbelodeau

    Reading Movies

    I am a huge film fanatic and watching movies is one of my favorite things to do with my free time. After I read Roger Ebert’s How to read a movie, watching movies won’t be the same for me. I never really thought about how small details like the positioning of characters on screen or what … Continue reading "Reading Movies"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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