1. Walter

    Everything is a Remix

    Remixes are the expansion of ideas. This expansion of ideas is what creativity thrives on. Without this, cultural and social development and improvement would seize. This evolution of methods and ideas is natural, and most of the time inevitable. Whether in music, movies, literature, or technology, the impulse that inspired the idea that led to …
  2. George

    Remix video

    The original video only has a song in the background, someone remixed it and gave the panda a voice. You can clearly tell this was inspired by the first video because they didnt change anything except for the voice. I found out … Continue reading
  3. Renae

    Find Yourself REMIXED

      For this remix assignment, I took an image that someone else did where they found their name and added something to it. Can you find it?   To the left is the original image and to the right is the new image.
  4. Renae

    Pokemon Card REMIXED

      For the original assignment, the person had to create a pokemon card and list their powers on it. I chose to remix this card because I thought it looked cool. My remix card was to “Dr. Seuss” it, so I added the Lorax. I liked the way his hands are positioned, it’s sort of like…
  5. Renae

    Car Lust REMIXED

        So this is my remixed version of LayzLay’s Car Lust assignment. That assignment was to find a picture of a car that they love and write about it. For my remix I had to make the assignment more pink. Anyone who knows me well enough knows how desperately I want a pink car, so…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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