Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. chris_lloyd


    The sky was orange. The water dark. The wooden bridge creaked. I heard the foot steps, I didn’t dare turn around. I couldn’t help but scream…. for ever. Torture? Screaming for entirety seems like torture to me.. In Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” he captured this very idea: The human forms in the picture have always... Read more »
  2. chris_lloyd

    Text + Movment = More Meaning?

    What did Descartes say again? “I am therefore I think?”, no that’s not right. That’s how I like to think though. I am here so I think! It’s probably my favorite pass time. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time than thinking about hard problems. Right now for me its the... Read more »
  3. chris_lloyd

    The Worst Criminal Ever…

    I arrived at home one fateful night to find my living room in a complete mess: I was horrified! At first I thought it must have been a burglar, however after further investigation there was nothing missing. Many valuable items were strewn across the floor, but nothing taken. This was an inside job. It had... Read more »
  4. chris_lloyd

    Was that a barcode?

    To what point can an object be distorted while still being the same object? To what point can a barcode be transformed while keeping its stored information intact? Ah these age old questions. What does a barcode represent anyway? No one really cares about how it looks visually anyway. They only care about the information stored... Read more »
  5. chris_lloyd

    My ideal day…!

    Once in a while you just have a really really good day. What is my ideal day? Its really hard to say. I thought about it for a long time. The next question I thought about for a long time was who is my best friend? Its very hard to decide, so I eventually decided... Read more »
  6. chris_lloyd

    What movie is this?

    Once upon a time there was a movie that was completely characterized  by the follow three symbols: Ten points to anyone who is able to guess what the movie is! I created these using Adobe Flash. I used it because it is something I am familiar with. As soon as I saw this assignment, I... Read more »
  7. chris_lloyd

    Week 1 Reflection

    1. Commentary on Setting Up your Domain and Social media Setting up my blog did not go well. I opted to use my current domain instead of using the Domain of One’s Own, mainly because I thought to myself, I’m a Computer Science Major I can handle this. I had run a WordPress blog on... Read more »
  8. chris_lloyd

    What is this monster?

    This snake-rabbit was created for this visual assignment. I thought the premise of this assignment was really cool. I always jump at the opportunity to make funky images in Photoshop, so this assignment was probably the most fun I have had in the class so far! For the source images I used the website called... Read more »
  9. chris_lloyd

    Reflections of a Safari

    Here is my Photo Safari. Looking at the requirements for the photo safari was very daunting at first. I honestly didn’t know if would be possible to pull of! I delayed doing it all of this week, because I think I was apprehensive about actually doing it. Well today was the day! By the time... Read more »
  10. chris_lloyd

    There’s a Difference?

    What is the main difference between these photos? This is my interpretation of this assignment. It took me along while to come up with a nice idea for what I could do that would be subtle, yet easy enough to spot. When creating this piece I was constrained to items on my desk. I thought... Read more »
  11. chris_lloyd

    Frozen Eagle Bridge

    by When creating this image my initial goal was to try and make the Eagle Bridge look more like a castle. I had hoped that tweaking the colors (making the photo more gray), however it wasn’t turning out very well so I decided to look for a color combination that was pleasing to the eyes.... Read more »
  12. chris_lloyd

    My very own Spubble..

    When creating this “Supple” I was inspired by the idea of a “meta speech bubble”. The speech bubble is meta, in that it describes itself. More than that though, the speech bubble exists to express how I can see a speech bubble, but what speech bubble am I seeing? The one expressing that I can... Read more »
  13. chris_lloyd

    Daily Create #1- Little People

    Go to the highest place you can find and take a picture of people being small I took this photo overlooking route 1 from the Eagle Landing balcony. I have always been a major fan of tilt-shift photography, and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to try my hand at it! It took... Read more »
  14. chris_lloyd

    My Experiences With Photography

    When I was a junior in high school I took a photography class. To be honest I only took it cause my then girlfriend was also in that class, although I really enjoyed the class in the end. One of the main reasons was my girlfriend had one of those really fancy $600 DSLR cameras.... Read more »
  15. chris_lloyd

    Dear DS106

    I am very excited to begin this course! To get started here is a picture of me: Just kidding, that’s not really how I look… but hopefully you knew that. I created this masterpiece in photoshop using a selfie I took in the library. I first removed the background, and then I used the liquefy... Read more »

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