Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Welcome to ds106!

Posted by

This is the aggregated home for the online, open course Digital Storytelling that will be starting January 10th, 2011.

To have your work syndicated into this site you simply need to add your blog/site URL and site name to the form to the right. Additionally, if you’d like to filter your posts by tag just add the tag you’ll be using to the posts for this course and we’ll syndicate just those posts. We recommend ds106, which is the course tag.

Also, you might want to register for this site so you can access and edit the course wiki as well as get regular email updates as the course gets underway—we promise we won’t share your information with anyone nor will we abuse your time with too many senseless emails.

Now let’s create some art, damn it!


  1. Tom

    December 8, 2010

    I want an assignment where you answer some sort of deep philosophical question entirely by remixing Michael Jackson song lyrics.

    Damn it.

  2. Hilery Williams

    December 18, 2010

    I’ve failed at the first hurdle and am not able to registerfor the course. No password is being accepted.

    • Reverend

      December 18, 2010

      Check your email, you should now be confirmed and registered. Just be sure to change your password.

      • Reverend

        December 18, 2010

        Also, your username is the same as your email username

  3. Mel Phillips

    January 9, 2011

    I’m having trouble signing up as well, I’m afraid. A bit late, but I’d really like to participate.

    • Reverend

      January 9, 2011


      you are all set, you should have your username and password in your email. Welcome aboard, just let me know your blog url and the tag you will be using for the ds106 posts.

  4. Susan O'Grady

    January 11, 2011

    Have my user name and password but can’t for the life of me locate the tasks. Must be missing something blatantly obvious as others have started. Don’t want to commmence my blog with some inane comment about how I don’t know where I’m expected to begin !!! Any direction appreciated

    • Reverend

      January 11, 2011


      You haven’t missed anything. I have yet to put out the first assignments. All the maniacs have been doing assignments others have recommended leading up to the course. So, in short, you aren’t missing anything yet. So stay tuned. You should get something today.

  5. Tracy Lancaster

    January 11, 2011

    I thought that I had registered properly last Sunday night but must have missed something-sorry! I registered under my new-born domain “” but I must have done something wrong. The site appears, but my first post is not showing. Can you please suggest what to do?

  6. Jocelyn

    January 14, 2011

    Hi Jim,

    I’ve registered for the site successfully, but it’s not clear to me what password I should be using when I input my information above to syndicate my posts. I’ve tried a few of my usuals (i.e. the ones I might have used to sign up earlier), and they don’t seem to be working. Should the password be the same as my login to the site?



    • Reverend

      January 14, 2011

      For syndicating your site through the right-hand sidebar, simply add the URL, blog title, course tag (ds106), and form password which is ds106 as well.

      What is your blog URL? Maybe I can help :)


    • Reverend

      January 14, 2011


      You are all set, posts pulling cleanly and associated with your profile. Thanks for the email, all is good!

      • Jocelyn

        January 14, 2011

        I feel incredibly silly. It clearly states in the instructions that “ds106” is the password. Thanks for your help!

      • Jocelyn

        January 16, 2011

        Hi again Jim,

        I’m not seeing my first post anywhere on this site … I used ds106 as both a tag and a category on it. When I go to the Wiki section and click on “My contributions,” again nothing comes up. Any ideas for what might be happening?


        • Reverend

          January 16, 2011

          Hey Jocelyn,

          It actually wouldn;t be under the wiki section, sorry for the confusion there. It is actually reflected in your profile on So go to your profile here:

          And then look at the space titled tags, and you’ll see the two posts being pulled in:

          Does this make sense, anything there has been pulled into the site. Let me know if I am not understanding the issue.


  7. Elena

    April 9, 2011

    WhAt A gReAt cOuRsE, wish I could join you, guys! :))))))))

    Will be lurking quietly in the background until you start offering it online!

    Keep up the good work,
    Best wishes from rainy Southampton

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  1. Riding these waves | beespace.net01-11-11
  2. ds106: Some advice from an outsider* | amidoinitrite?04-25-11

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