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The Pitfalls of Self-directed Learning

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The other day I was doing some shredding when inspiration hit me.  Why not build a hidden scanner into a shredder and send copies of all these secret documents to someone’s email address?  I figured someone must have already thought of that, and sure enough, a quick search took me to a tongue-in-cheek discussion about shredder/scanners on a delightful website called the halfbakery.  And half-baked it was.  I spent the next hour reading one goofy proposal after another, commented and disected in all aparent seriousness by anonymous people with a cereberal sense of humor.  It’s a valuable waste of time which I highly recommend to just about everyone whose blog I’ve read in ds106.  

Here’s the rest of my story, which illustrates why a self-directed PLE requires a good deal more discipline than I like to exercise.

My 30 second story for ds106 from Jim Stauffer on Vimeo.

On the other hand, I found the domain I wanted was available, and with advice from an on-line friend I found a place to buy it and a place to host it.   (Thanks Tony)  If I knew it was this easy and cheap I’d have done it years ago.  Wow, my own landscape to fill!  Well, this blog is the beginning, now to conquor the world…

Some day I’ll figure out how to import my Blogger postings into this site without having all my old posts re-syndicated – which would be aggrivation rather than aggregation.  For now I’ll leave them at

Sure hope this only gets pulled into the site one time – I somehow managed to get the blog on my new domain listed 3 times in the ds106 homepage.

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