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the first of many, i suppose

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Here it is, my first blog post ever! I guess I will start it off by showing off my gif:

Making this wasn’t hard at all, but trying to get the right programs was a bitch. I spent a lot of time downloading things only to find out that there would be a watermark plastered in the middle of the image. Eventually I came across a program called Ulead Gif Animator, which turned out to be a nice, easy program to use. All I had to do was use a Firefox add-on to download the youtube video and then convert the flv file to an avi and then import it into Ulead. From there I deleted all the images I didn’t want and voila! For all who don’t know (which I’ll assume is most people), I chose my gif from a music video by Peter Bjorn & John. The song is called Nothing To Worry About and I’m not exactly sure why I chose it, my girlfriend and I just like to laugh at how ridiculous the Japanese Rockabilly subculture is. Interestingly, it came up in class today that Martha loves It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and whaddaya know, this song was played during previews for season 4 (or maybe 3) on FX although I’m sure no one remembers. Another matter I guess I should address is where I got the name for my site, I think more people have probably seen this one. It’s just funny video I love to watch sometimes when I need a good laugh. I think that’s pretty much all I have to say right now, I’ll probably just spend my time trying to make my blog look good instead of using all the default stuff.

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