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Story Time

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Once upon a time, I was traveling to a friend’s house from work for a New Year’s Eve Fiesta on a dark and dreary night.  I realized I needed to stop and make a purchase before arriving at the home of my dearest friend, Eliza.  So I quickly pulled into the Giant store parking lot, but no, they’re closed! So I scampered across the street to the local CVS, where once I walked in, I found a young African-American boy standing there.  He had a lovely European shoulder bag on, which I snickered at as I wandered through the store on my way to get my item.  After stumbling into the “Sexual Health” aisle and strolling past the EPT section, I found the box I needed.  I proceeded to walk up the register until I noticed an elderly lady at the register.  I realized I’d have to make my purchase through her.  I thought to myself, could this night get any more awkward.  Just then, the automatic door opened and a man came strolling in.  He proceeded to mumble to the store clerk about how he needed Mucinex, but she heard Chex-Mix.  After a few quick back-and-forth misunderstandings, I interrupted them and told the store clerk that the gentleman wanted some Mucinex.  She thanked me and told the gentleman to hang a right at the last aisle to find his Mucinex.  Then, anger seeped into his voice as he instructed her that he was legally blind and did not know where to go.  She proceeded to check me and my boxed item out before she helped him.  While strolling out of the store, I wondered to myself, what a weird way to end 2010.

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