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Skiing at Wintergreen

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During my winter break some friends and I decided to hit the slopes. Most of us have own equipment so it wasn’t going to cost us too much or take too long get started. After finally gathering everyone stuff into the same car we began our trek over towards mountains. When we got talking, I found out that my friend, Anthony, was getting pretty serious with a girl. He said that it was going to be any day now that she was going to try introduce him to her parents. He didn’t seem to worried about it though, the parents or the direction of his new found relationship.

When we finally got down to the resort we decided it would be a good idea to our new 21 year old licenses to use.  So we found a bar and ordered some drinks, we got down there pretty early in the afternoon so there wasn’t many people in there and we had the whole day still.  We stayed a little longer than any of us had intended, as bar drinking can some times get competitive. So after a while we finally made our way on to the slopes, they were a little icier than any of us had remembered.

For the most part we were all doing pretty well. No one had crashed yet, the drinks were keeping us warm and in good spirits. We decided to get a little bolder and headed towards black diamond stuff. Anthony, however, didn’t last too long on his feet and took tumble half way down the slope. We all had gotten to the bottom well before Anthony, so we just waited for him by the lift. Two skiers pulled up next to us, and one of them took off her ski mask and revealed herself as Anthony’s girl friend. She then introduced the other skier as her mother. When she asked where Anthony was we all looked around. We then saw him and pointed him out not too far away in the distance. After doing so, we all observed him hunch over to to the side of the woods and vomit into the snow. We tried to hold back our laughter as he regathered himself and slowly cruised down the rest of the mountain.

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