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Daily Shoot #6

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Tomorrow 30+ people are going to go down to Capital Ale House bedecked in their best and favouritest costumes and celebrating two of our graduated friends’ birthday. Granted the friends are twins, but the point remains the same: I needed a costume. A couple of years ago I was in a similar situation at Halloween when my initial idea of being King of the Mods fell through.* So I decided I would go for another Mighty Boosh character namely Old Gregg. Granted, while getting a whole mod outfit could have been expensive, Old Gregg wasn’t exactly inexpensive. I ended up having to get a bright pink tutu amongst other things, but those other things could be reworn in more practical circumstances. A bright pink tutu on the other hand can’t be worn every day.** I haven’t worn that bright pink tutu since that Halloween, but when I was told I needed a costume for this birthday shindig I knew what at least one part of that costume was going to be. My bright pink tutu. I came up with the rest of it based on what I already owned or could get easily and relatively inexpensively. And so tomorrow when 30+ people are walking down to Capital Ale House I will be the one dressed as a retired ballerina.
Of course all of this conviently fit into today’s Daily Shoot prompt which was to focus on color rather than detail. Granted the photo isn’t particularly abstract, but as my caption says, it is colour-ific.


*You’d be surprised how difficult it can be to buy mod-esque clothing when you’re not trying particularly hard and want it to fit into your regular wardrobe. That it would probably be impossible to redo Noel Fielding’s hair from that episode.
**Unless your into that kind of thing. In which case go forth and wear the bright pink tutu every day.

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