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Disciplinary Reading

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I thought it was extremely interesting how storytelling can be used as a new method of psychotherapy, although it didn’t surprise me. Even if you’re not in a therapy session, reading books is a way to lose yourself in another world, and either live through a character, or relate to characters that you feel go through similar trials and tribulations as you do. Either way, being someone that loves to read, it doesn’t surprise me that the method of storytelling is being introduced as a new form of psychotherapy. As it was stated, stories have messages that are both literal and implied, which is helpful when it comes to psychotherapy because it allows the patient to relate, and feel empowered, rather than want to resist. It’s easier to come up with a story that you know the patient can learn from (especially if it’s a specific message you’re trying to get across) and open up through (if they can relate to the character and interpret their actions in a way that can be applied to their own situation), rather than continuing along with another form that just isn’t working. I’m not a psychology major, so I don’t know details about psychotherapy methods and studies, but I do love reading (recreational, of course), and I anticipate it being a successful new method.

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