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Thoughts about the final project…

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I’m not sure what I’m going to do for my final project, but my number one passion in life has always been gymnastics, so I’m thinking I’ll probably end up doing something with that. I competed from the time I was 7-years-old, until my 8th grade year, right before high school. In high school I competed all-around for our gymnastics team, and I also cheered (mostly because of the background in gymnastics, and it kept me working skills in the off-season). It’s also what I wrote about for my college essay. I thought I’d upload a few photos from high school (such a sad reminder of what I used to be capable of, sigh) to help generate some ideas for a final project.

p.s: The first picture isn’t me, in case there’s any confusion, it’s just a poster I absolutely love that hung in the gym I used to compete for.

double stag on beam.

scorpion on beam.

standing tuck –
ew, such disgusting form.

hyperextended splits, “yay”.

heel stretch.

cheering. :)

just having fun!

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