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Team O: Mini Daily Shoot

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Main class challenge post: here.

Team O Members: Chris Randles, Jared Spears, Jacob Bowman, Patrick Taitt, Travis Bishop

Part Two of our Class Challenge on 2-10-11

Mini Daily Shoot: You must take photos to fulfill five photo prompts (provided on cards). When you are done, you must construct a meaningful narrative around the photos you’ve taken. You may wish to consider your narrative beforehand and stage your photos accordingly.

The overall narrative we chose was the school life of a Math or Computer Science major, in the building that they generally inhabit most days.

Make a photograph today that has a strongly centered composition (Above).

Today, let’s illustrate the emothion of being happy, Make a photograph that represents happiness to you (Above).

Communicate motion in a still photograph. Blur is one way, but maybe there are others you can find (Above).

Make a photograph of a curved line or spherical surface today (Above).
Illustrate the idea of time in a photograph today. Be as literal or abstract as you want to be with your interpretation (Above).

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