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Forrest’s Fortune

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Here is my attempt at using Aviary and doing the movie fortune cookies assignment.  For the assignment, you have to design a hypothetical fortune cookie for a movie.  I picked Forrest Gump and made the fortune say “She still loves you :) ”.  I did this because Forrest is waiting for the bus to go visit Jenny.  He doesn’t realize it yet, but he will soon meet Jenny and his son, and Jenny will ask him to marry her.

I found it a little difficult to use Aviary, although it is very similar to Photoshop.  I just need more practice.  The picture is kind of blurry here, but if you click on it, it is easier to read the fortune in his hand.  I wasn’t sure how to make the fortune cookie cover the feather, without it looking like a giant fortune cookie in his hand.  Any ideas?

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