Five Card Story: Terrible Tuesday
a ds106 story created by pakalko21
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flickr photo by mglitzos
flickr photo by Cabbagepatch159
flickr photo by travisbishop4921
flickr photo by Intrepid Flame
Everything seemed to be going the wrong way on this specific Tuesday. First I wake up 3 minutes before class because my alarm didn’t go off so I showed up 12 minutes late looking like I just woke up. Then I have to go meet in the library with my group to work on a presentation for the next day. Nobody seemed to show much effort so we’ll see how it goes. After that, I return to my room and open my backpack and realize I left my lucky pencil in the library! So I have to go back and retrieve it and luckily it was still there! On my way back to my room, I step on gum, and what makes it even worse, I also step in a puddle that the rain made causing my new red Chucks to get wet. Ugh, I hope Wednesday is MUCH better!
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