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The Art of the Design Pick

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I had initially done the assignment for week 4 of the Illustrate 106 and tagged it within flickr, but did not post it in a blog, so here I go.  I took a picture of a Peguenot 106 (a type of car) and played with it in Picnik and ended up with the current link below.. I need to learn how to actually make it more official, rather than just some lame link, anybody got any solutions? like how do I make a link just say “Here” and then people click “Here” and it takes them to the link?

<a href=”” title=”Peguenot 106 by travisbishop4921, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”272″ height=”185″ alt=”Peguenot 106″ /></a>

Design Pick Attempt #2

For the week 5 assignment I took a picture from the beach when my best friends and I went fishing, and edited it a few times.  I took the random qikipedia link to come up with my band name for the album cover.

<a href=”” title=”Hagota River by travisbishop4921, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”500″ height=”375″ alt=”Hagota River” /></a>

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