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Final Project Update

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so I’ve been thinking, thinking, and thinking about this final project the whole week last week but still had no idea except that I wanted to do something with pictures…………until now. I came across an idea of taking a photo of a stranger/a person I know everyday for a month (I decided to interview 5 ppl/week=20 ppl total) and since this class is called “digital storytelling”, I decided to tell a story about each individual, and to do that, I’m going to interview them about things like where they grew up, how old they are, things they hate/love doing the most, etc. Then I’m going to put everything together in one place such as power point or something better if I can find one to kind of see them as a slide show. I might change things around a bit if I can think of better ways to show this but this is basically what my final project is going to be.

I’m kind of excited to do that I actually have ideas. We will see how things go..

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