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Senior Thesis/Radio Show Playlist

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I swear, I write more blog entries in my head than I actually write on my blog. I come up with great ideas and then stuff happens. Like other homework that’s slightly more important (like say a thesis presentation) or relaxing (after said presentation.) This is slightly (but only slightly) more relevant for my other RL* blog where I can go a whole month without updating, but I find it interesting how I do that. I actually had a blog entry made up in my head about my senior thesis/presentation but…stuff. I will say that I starting next week (after the paper part is done) I can devote way more time to all my classes including this one** which is a good thing, especially considering what Prof. Groom is likely to lay on us. I will say this though: My senior presentation went really well and once this paper is done I will*** be completely free to not stress out about how much work I have to do.****
Anyway, while I have written about last week’s radio show, I have yet to post a playlist and so will be doing that right now. And a reminder: If you want to listen to this week’s show (70?s singer/songwriters) be sure to tune into at 7pm on Wednesday. Should be a good show.

  1. Hot Blooded – Foreigner
  2. We’re Not Gonna Take It – Twisted Sister
  3. Rock and Roll All Nite – Kiss
  4. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
  5. The Final Countdown – Europe
  6. Africa – Toto
  7. Livin’ on a Prayer – Bon Jovi
  8. Tom Sawyer – Rush
  9. More Than a Feeling – Boston
  10. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey

*Real life or more appropriately non-school blog
**Especially this one. That radio assignment was brutal
***Have four more papers to write and an opera to perform
****This is a lie. See above footnote for why

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