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Visit Fredericksburg!

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Once I got going with this assignment I started to reallllllly enjoy it! Editing the html was quite easy, including pictures, as long as they were on flickr.

Where I did struggle was with the advertisements at the top of the page.  For some reason it is duplicating the ads after I’ve saved the .html and re-open it.  This is a screen shot of what it should look like….

And this is what happens with the final project……spot the difference?

When I went into the code and deleted the html for the “Subscribe for the magazine ad”, the entire format of the page was screwed up.  The picture was up to the right of the “Ireland” Ad which I couldn’t find to try to delete too.  And now if you visit the page (link below) the ads continue to change as if you were viewing the original website.

Click HERE to visit the full page!!!

I uploaded the image/screengrab of the page to flickr but if you try to view it it’s very tiny.  Any idea how to fix this?  View Here! Thanks!

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