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Inglourious Basterds VideoEssay

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After two nights of working on the videoessay, I have finally finished it!  Hooray!  JimGroom was right, this assignment did take a long time, and most of the time was spent sitting and waiting as the video had to be ripped, or changed into the right format, or uploaded to YouTube. All of that janx took a veryyyy long time, but making the actual video didn’t take too long.

I decided to continue my Inglourious Basterds run after the Twitter webstory.  I just really love the movie, and figured I’d use it again to do the next project on.  It was a lot of fun picking the scenes to talk about, but I had a hard time narrowing it down, because THE WHOLE MOVIE IS AWESOME. That was the most difficult part of the whole project for me.

Also, HUGE GIGANTIC SHOUTOUT TO SUZANNE. I wasn’t able to use my computer to do any of this assignment, because the programs wouldn’t work correctly, but Suzanne offered to let me use hers.  She was SO patient the whole time, considering I basically had her computer for two straight days, and she had to literally walk me through the whole process of working with the programs.  She is da bomb.

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