So, after this whole semester I learned so much from this class. This class is the only computer class I have ever taking in my life and thought that it was going to be a lot simpler to learn these computer processes than it really was. I love the fact that now I can make a webpage by myself, I can change webpages and know a lot more about HTML, I now know how to create and mash up videos, and even the best ways to record an interview. When i first started taking this class I now realize how computer illterate I was. After this class I now feel like I have a better grasp on how to use different computer processes and techniques. Working on my final project was probably the mosmt interesting project to me. I feel like I really learned how to make a story out of something as simple as a teddy bear. Going to school as a teacher I believe this class has taught me many ways to show my students new material. I am really glad I took this class I have learned so much and at times even though it was very frustrating I am very happy with the broader knowledge of computer skills I feel like I have now.
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