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Sound Effects Story

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Here’s my sound effects story. All of the sounds that I used I got off of I made it by setting up all of the sounds in garage band and then just either lengthening them or shortening them depending on how long or how much of the actual sound clip I needed. I decided to go with a scary story/horror story style with these sound effects. It’s supposed to be a person walking through the forest on a rainy night (I had a rainy night sound effect and I just kept that going through the entire track underneath the other sounds), then they walk into a house and while they are walking through the house they hear a monster. They keep walking and the monster gets closer and closer to them ( I did this by increasing the volume of the monster growl sound affect every time I added it). Then they start running through the house and the monster eats them and the monster’s owner laughs at the victim. Hope you guys like it!

Here are the links to the sound effects that I used – Steps on a Forest Road by Robinhood76 – Open Front Door Close Creak by Anton – Bare Feet Walking On A Creeking Hardwood Floor by Paul McNelis – Thunder and Dread by Hammerklavier – Horror Scream Woman Short by Klankbeeld – Dog Growling by Qubodup – Monster Growl by Aesqe – Running Upstairs by RutgerMuller – Running and Gored by Dogs by Leady – Insane Laughter Male by Leady


Sound Effects Story by awhitfield21

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