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Web Story

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Well, this assignment, I thought would be very simple for me. Beings I’m a computer science major and all. However, I found it to be quite trying. Not difficult, but trying. I began with the idea to do a news story about the Oblivion disappearance. So I went searching for websites to use and found the msnbc website very useful. I then searched for the perfect article, taking into account the number of pictures and format of the article. I then found this article:


My husband has been intrigued with the story line of DS106 and has had some ideas of where it could go. During his time at college, he had to be a character of a judge, Claudius Ulysses Weidemier III. He is a very strange person, that husband of mine. Anyways, when the family members of Oblivion started to come out of the woodwork, I thought of Weidemier. Don’t ask me why. There is a lot of backstory to the Weidemier character. There is some of it in the article.

I first used firebug but ran into terrible troubles with it. I was saving my html but it was not looking like the original site. Martha Burtis then told me about Tim Owens finding  and said that it was easier than firebug. And it is! I highly recommend it. So I used and made my web story.

Well, this is the new version of the news story. Tell me what you think.

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