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“I Forgot You Were There”

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I do not know why but this story always seems to stay on my mind, even though I am forgetful. I was in the fifth grade and i was sitting in class chewing gum. I have a gum addiction and at that time, you were not supposed to chew gum in class because you would get in trouble. I didn’t care: I would chew it anyway and get caught. One day, however, everyone else in the class was chewing gum but  the teacher only screamed at me (perhaps because i was a repeat offender). She told me that since I was chewing gum, I was to go sit in the third grade class = next door until she told me to come out. During this time, there was an event going on in the building so some of the students were walking in the hall and teachers were constantly passing by. I was sitting in the back of the from right in front of the classroom door so you definitely could see me. I was sitting in the chair when 10 minutes went by, 20 minutes, 30 and so on. An hour later, my teacher was in the hallway and she saw me sitting there and she said “ Lincie I forgot you were there” ….. I can not describe how upset I was . My teacher was in the hallway for quite a while and she “ forgot I was there “. I later went into the room and cried. I was, of course, a very sensitive fifth grader. The teacher asked me what was wrong, but I would not answer. I was very upset because all I could think about was: How could she forget me in a different room?. I learned though that people make mistakes and you can’t judge them based on their mistakes . My teacher was a very good teacher and if I had to choose one of the best times in elementary school, I would say it was in that class.

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