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Soo late to the party

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Prof Oliver’s assistant, Iddan, is finally getting on board! I’m a College Assistant working for the Communications Technology department at York College.

I love the bass guitar. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24 string, doesn’t matter, I just love the groove, the rhythm, the sound; you just can’t help tapping your foot. Some of the best music to hear wicked bass lines lies in Jazz and Funk. I am currently infatuated with 70′s sensation Thunder Soul. Jamie Foxx produced a movie about a high school Funk band, the Kashmere Stage Band, that became known as Texas Thunder Soul. In preparation for the release to theaters September 23rd, I have been blasting their record non-stop in my ears. I totally want a fro now!

We need music for the journey. I vote FUNK!!!

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