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Daily Shoot is Retiring:(

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Tomorrow will be the last day the daily shoot post new assignments. I am disappointed because I just learned about daily shoot and I think it is a excellent idea. I was introduced to the daily shoot for a class that I am currently taking. It saddens me to see such a good thing go away.  I am going to check previous assignments to continue my daily shoot because I enjoy doing it.

I am looking at the archives and it says the first daily shoot assignment was posted on November 16, 2009, so the website almost made it to their two year anniversary. The assignment was “Today’s theme is red. Red hot? Red paint? Or something else? You decide. Make your photo and then reply with a line.” This is the assignment I am going to start with after tomorrow’s last assignment. From then on I am going to work my way through the archived assignments until I’m red in the face; very appropriate for the first archived assignment don’t you think?

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