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How has literature influenced my writing?

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How have writing styles influenced my writing ?

In the past I never enjoyed writing. Ihad always hated it, until I  met my eleventh grade English teacher. Shetaught us the importance of different styles of writing and literature. Ibelieve that literature influences everyone who writes. Every author has hadsome sort of influence for their writing style. Mrs. Porter, my eleventh and twelfthgrade English teacher, taught us to look at every type of literature, and tothink about what the author was thinking about at this time. Although it’sdifficult to understand why an author chooses to write what he or she does, wehave to think of all the possibilities. Looking at all the different literature really influences how you chooseto write what you do. It also shows you the different styles of writing you canuse. If it is mystery, suspense, romance, drama or comedy. My favorite of theAmerican authors is Henry David Thoreau. In his novel, Walden, he recalls theplaces he lived before settling down at Walden Pond. He uses his experiences toguide him, and therefore leading him to the pond.  He chooses to create his own sanctuary at Walden. I guessyou could say a paradise to live the simple life. He writes in such detail, youcan almost picture it in your head. As I wrote my paper in Eleventh grade, I alwaysseemed to refer back to Walden, and other works of Thoreau, I remember the detailhe puts into his writing. And when I attempt to write, I try to put as muchdetail into my writing as I can. I want to paint a picture for my readers, tohelp them imagine, and have a mental picture of the idea I am trying to portray.I believe it is important to engage your readers, or try to engage them.

In twelfth grade, Mrs. Porter was myBritish Literature teacher. She forced us to read all these different storiesand novels. Beowulf, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. British literature showed me how not to write, not that I am British oranything. It just seemed so dry to me, and I was extremely bored. Jane Eyre wasmy favorite novel in the class. The others made me want to shoot myself! Mrs.Porter introduced us to many different styles of writing, although each periodin time has a different style. It has helped shape my writing and helped mebecome a stronger writer.

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