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Pop Culture .GIF

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My last assignment for the week was Pop Culture Gif by TUJournal. Like last week, I wanted to end my set of assignments on a fun one. For this one we were required to pick something or someone from recent pop-culture and create a GIF of it/them.  When thinking about what I wanted to do, I went on Youtube and relived several moments of pop culture over the past year. But the one I ended up choosing was Charlie Sheen’s interview with ABC reporter, Andrea Canning, about his drug abuse, losing his role in the popular series Two and a Half Men, and recent general behavior. During the time of this interview, Charlie Sheen became one of the most talked about celebrities. During those few weeks, the word “winning” became a common phrase in speech and hashtag on twitter (e.g. #winning).  The interview was created into a song on a youtube ( and everyone wished they had some tigerblood in their veins. For the GIF, I selected frames from the popular interview seen at:


To make this GIF, I used Real Player to strip the clip from youtube, and then used the trim function to get the exact frames I wanted. I then used to convert the 3 second clip to a .gif file. For the tutorial I used on how to do this, go to

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