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Summarize a movie with Animated GIFs

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I Picked the movie, Batman: Under The Red Hood, to animate with GIF’s.




The scenes go from left to right.


The film starts out  as Robin alias, Jason Todd gets beat up by the Joker in a remote house some where out of the United States. Robin soon realizes he cannot escape in time to escape his imminent death in his current bound and beat situation. Batman arrives too late to save his partner.


Fast forward to present day, Batman and Nightwing (former Robin, Dick Grayson) are in pursuit of a new villain in town, a drug lord who goes by the name of the Red Hood. He puts up a difficult chase and eventually escapes by pulling off some slick maneuvers.


After encountering another fight with the Red Hood, Batman brings a knife stained with the Red Hood’s blood black to Bat-cave to run DNA tests on it. He has a suspicion that the Red Hood could quite possibly be Jason Todd. Batman and his butler Alfred are shocked to learn that his hunch was true after all. Batman soon after exhumes Jason’s body from the grave learning that it was indeed a fake.  Batman blames himself for never checking the corpse of Jason Todd after his death.


Batman travels to find the only person that he knows that could possibly bring a dead person back to life, Ra’s al Ghul. They both recall in a flash back the exact events that led to the death of Jason Todd that day and their roles. What later is discovered is that Ra’s al Ghul hired the joker as a distraction for Batman and Robin in order to pull off a greater task, however this led to the death of Jason Todd; an outcome that Ra’s al Ghul did not want. He explains to batman that he should have realized that the Joker was an uncontrollable factor. Ra’s al Ghul explains that he snuck Jason’s body out of customs when Bruce Wayne (batman) had his body shipped over seas back into the United States for a proper burial which was their alibi for being out the country to fight Joker.


Ra’s al Ghul in a flash back explains that since he felt responsible for the death of Jason Todd, he felt it was only right to revive him using the powers of what Ra’s al Ghul uses to grant him eternal youth, a dip in The Lazarus Pit. However, it was never used to bring someone back to life before, only to bring back youth for a certain period of time before repeating the process. The result of using the pit for Jason Todd resulted him to come back to life in a crazed and unstable state of mind. Ra’s al Ghul’s daughter, Talia tried to shoot Jason down to stop the monster before it had escaped but Ra’s al Ghul stopped her insisting that destiny play its part. That is when Jason Todd escaped.


Batman and the Red Hood reunite for one last and final match. They both reveal themselves as Bruce and Jason, who they always known each other to be. This fight leads to a chase into an abandoned building where Jason baits Batman.


Jason loses the hand to hand fight with Batman but reveals his true motive for this fight against Batman. Jason who had captured Joker forces batman to kill the Joker with a gun. Jason admits that he was heart broken that this whole time that Batman had learned that the Joker was responsible for Jason’s death Batman never took revenge against the Joker. Jason admits that if Batman were to have died by the hands of Joker, he would never rest until the Joker died for his crime, and was repulsed but the fact that Batman would not do the same. Batman reveals that the reason he never killed Joker was because it would be too easy to it. Although the Joker would only escape and return to kill more and more people, if Batman were to kill the Joker it would bring him to a place internally that he could never return from, thus leading him to kill other villains. This would ultimately turn Batman into a killer and break his vows to never kill anyone.  Jason Todd doesn’t accept Batman’s reasoning and decides that if Batman doesn’t kill Joker then he will kill Batman and Joker. Batman walks away and waits for Jason Todd to open fire as Batman counter acts by throwing a battarang which causes the joker to be released from Jason’s grasp.


The abandoned building in the previous GIF was rigged with explosives the whole time by Jason Todd who tried to kill the Joker the same way the Joker killed him. As Batman has no time to defuse the bomb, Batman escapes with Jason Todd however the blast Jason Todd missing and the Joker hurt but not dead under rubble and concrete.

This GIF is about Batman reporting the events to Alfred as Batman readies himself to go on patrol once again while events of the past of Jason Todd and batman replay in the background as the film comes to an end.


I created the GIF’s using this site. I found the link from Marie’s post to the assignment.

It was fun doing the assignment but it took me a day to learn how to do it. The only complaint I have is that I had to keep the frame rate low in order for WordPress to accept it, otherwise the file size would be too large. Also I think the GIF’s will not do the film justice. I would recommend the the film is watched and all the GIF descriptions are spoilers.

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