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Assignment 3 – Web 2.0 Response

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O’reilly’s “What is Web 2.0?”  and ” Seven Things You Should Know About Creative Commons”” Is a bit of a challenge. There are some terminology that I’m not to familiar with like Bit Torrent, Syndication and GoogleAdsense. However I did some research of my own to understand those vocabularies. From what I gather web 2.0 is suppose to be more approachable for everyone to access. Web 2.0 offers more synchronized applications like Google, Ebay and Amazon.  Web 2.0 pave the way for blogging, which I think is really cool. Its gives us, the individual the access to create our own website, where we can share our personal stories. Another positive aspect about Web 2.0 is that there is an open forum for us to share our creative ideas and information, I feel we have the right to use each others ideas for educational purposes.


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