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Normal To Extrordinary

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Dad and I
Joker me

This assignment I chose was to make a picture something Normal To Extraordinary.

The first picture is theĀ originalĀ picture that was taken of my father and I.

The second picture I turned myself into a version of The Joker from the movie The Dark Knight. I did this using Photoshop and Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

Here are the steps I took:

First, I opened the photo with Adobe Photoshop. Then I went Image, adjustments, Hue and Saturation and changed the saturation to black and white. I then went to brightness and contrast and make it a bit more brighter for the white skin.

Second, I selected the history brush. With the history brush, I changed everything back to color except for the face. I then used the history brush on the eyes and teeth. I then changed the brush size to one and applied the history brush to different parts of the face where there would be cracks in the makeup including the forehead, around the eyes, nose, moth, and facial hair. I saved changes, quit out of Photoshop and then reopened it again.

Next for the black makeup around the eyes, I used the brush tool that looks like a horizontal oval. I selected the color black and colored around the eyes with about 2-3 layers. I then changed the brush size to 1 and used the brush to make it look like he makeup is running down the face. For the black parts smudging on the eyebrows, I selected the brush that looks like a sponge. I used the history brush to remove anything that was too black.


Now for the red lips, I used the same tool I used for the eyes(the horizontal oval) and added read along the lips and up the cheeks. I added about 2 layers of this. I then used the history brush to shape and more defined smile. I saved changes and reopened it.

Now for the green hair, I selected the gradient too which is under the history brush. I went to mode and changed it to color. I changed the color to green. I then used the tool and made the whole photo green. Just like the white face, I used the history brush to eliminate everything that was green except for the hair.

For the purple jacket, I used the same technique that I used for the hair except used the color purple and eliminated everything hat was purple except for the jacket.

I saved changes and it was complete.

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