While browsing through the Visual Assignment bank, the Splash of Color assignment interested me the most. I’ve seen this photo technique in many pieces of artwork, but I never thought that I would be able to produce this kind of technique, much less use my own pic while doing it.
My pic that I chose for the Splash of Color assignment was from visit to the World Trade Center Memorial Site. The actual picture is one of the two recessed pools in the area of the fallen towers.
I used Photo-bucket to execute the technique. I first emailed the picture to myself, and then I uploaded it to my photo-bucket account. I then continued to edit the picture by using the Gray scale technique. The specialty with this Gray scale technique is that I had the ability to edit the area that I wanted to reveal the Splash of Color. The area that has the Splash of Color is the area of where the water of the recessed pool starts from before it enters the middle area. This area showed the reflection of the new towers being built as well as natural sunlight.
The Splash of Color was a fun assignment and it’s worth 2 points.
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