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Mission: Defamiliarise (#ds106)

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The mission for this DS106 assignment was to capture images of a familiar object and make it seem foreign.

This object is a laundry baskey we got from ASDA (Wal-Mart, if you’re from across the pond).

I chose it because it’s part of the everyday in our house, sitting in the corner waiting for us to remember to fill it with dirty clothes and convey them to the yawning maw of the idle washing machine.

So, in tribute to its silent, stoic, neglected nature…


I got to play with my new dslr for this. I’m still not very good at using it; still getting over excited about over-accentuated depth of field stuff and the possibilities of sky-high ISO!

Two of the images have been edited in Photoshop Elements, one turned into a swirling b&w mess to distort the neat simple design of the basket using the liquify tool and then desaturated. The other has been put through the stained glass filter on a small cell setting as I thought it looked a bit like some reptilian eye.


I still haven’t done enough washing.


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