The assignment called for me to create a montage with pictures to help describe one of my favorite places in the world. For me the choice was easy, Yankee Stadium. I was going to use pictures of the old stadium, but decided against it because although it is more historic I have already gone to the new one more times than I did the old.
The pictures were taken off the internet. I had some pictures myself from the times I had gone there, but my phone was acting stupic and wouldn’t upload it. Still, I believe these pictures do explain why I love Yankee Stadium. It shows different shots and different angles to watch a game including the wonderful site of seeing the best closer ever Mariano Rivera entering the game.
To do the assignment I went on photovisi uploaded seven pictures added the text with the nice font and then emailed it to myself. then I uploaded it to my blog. Long process, but when I finally got it up I was happy with it because I am a huge Yankee fan
Ds106 assignment Montage worth 2 stars
Inspired by no one seeing as I was the first to complete the assignment. However, gun to my head I’d say I just like montages and collages haha
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