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Daily Creates 26Feb – 3Mar

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I felt rather uninspired to do my daily creates this week and I think it shows in my products. But, perhaps this is just part of the storytelling? My week was very hectic between midterms and papers and I guess that’s just part of being a double major!

TDC54 Stump us. Record a sound of an ordinary thing and make it hard to guess.

I can’t tell you what this is! But I’m pretty sure it’s easy to guess.

Sound Unknown by theweeklyupdate

TDC55 Take a picture of an instrument that measures something

This is a rather uninspired picture. But, it was the first thing that I could find in my desk drawer that measured something other than a basic ruler or a measuring cup!

Sewing Gauge

TDC58 Make a video that shows off a hidden talent of yours

I can say my alphabet backwards. When I was maybe ten years old, my best friend and I practiced saying our alphabet backwards over and over again until we could say it without thinking about it. Now, I can still say my alphabet backwards! I can say it much faster than this video shows but I wanted to prove I was really saying it in correct order.

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