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Mealy-mouthed minion

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Sycophant!  Get away from here before you fawn all over the carpet.  Why do you keep coming back? This is my space.  I own it.  I paid for it.

You oughtta be flogged. Humiliated! The nerve!  Why I never…

Hung, drawn, and quartered.  There is no other punishment.  It is final,  I must needs have time though.  To gather.  To plan.

Never return, I swear by it!  Here me!  Listen …. to …. me.



My final project will consists of two components.  One will be the process of film editing.  Film editing will include narrowing down 9 hours of footage into the likings that only satisfy my own insatiable tastes.  Updates will be sparse albeit well-time and utterly pleasurable.  The second component will be to blog weekly about the film making process from start to finish.  This will be an analysis of the ethics behind film making, how I was inspired, and the details about how my finished product came to be and what it took to accomplish this.

If all goes will the finished product well be concluded during Finals.  Public availability may be severely limited due to…

Quartered I said! Drawn and quartered.

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