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analyze this

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for this assignment i chose braveheart. ya ya stop rolling the eyes, girls ill see you later, u can keep scrolling down the page.  but seriously this is like the best movie after thinking of it in terms of the qualities of a compelling film its an 11 on the scale.  hands down the best sound track or film score I’ve ever heard in my life.  I think i was even listening to the soundtrack before i saw the movie because I was too young at the time. this powerful tool was used so that the music score did most of the “talking” allowing the actors to say less in the movie and more with their words.  Some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen in a movie.  which leads to great camera work and easy set design just using what is around you when your in a place like that.  terrific screen writing, you really get sucked in  there is like a hour of set up before the real action starts and thats the best part of the movie.  It is undoubtedly a drama of the list of tv tropes and it fits “as long as there is one man ” to the letter.  here are some clip depicting the quality i was talking about.

when you pan back and forth between mel and the other guy u can see that you are slightly looking up at mel and down at whats his face as discussed in roger eberts article.

take two on this post.

so when reading  Eberts article and the video trope and exhaustive list of themes and comparing this to a movie I love (braveheart) I realized that I either have bad taste in movies  or I simply dont see what other people do when they look at movies.  I had trouble finding eberts idea of a good movie in my choice ( obviously seen above by the lack of discussion)  Ive never been a movie goer really.  I love books.  I have hated the last trillion movies ive seen in theaters (slight exaggeration).  I think hollywood produces a lot of false realities, and a lot of crap.  what was the last original movie you’ve seen.  exactly, it was a sequel, or one in a set, a book made  into a movie, or a movie remade.  its like were running out of ideas, (could talk about why that is for awhile too).  this is all just my opinion and only has relevance because this is my blog.  I will say that I dont see that right is positive or the future ( however I do think its very very very interesting and an analysis of why this is so for eberts would have merit in my mind, when reading the article, which i did find interesting even if i cant quite see it in film yet, i also read a large amount of the comments on it and someone mentioned the idea of a cultural definition for right being positive which would carry over into both the notion of positive emotion tilts and the positive future /negative past ideas of left and right.  this is really fascinating and what i learned in this assignment is that I know nothing about film and that my idea of good as appealing visually, audibly, and emotionally apparently only amass a 76 on rotten tomatoes and that for these next two weeks ill have to redefine my idea of good, because im left handed…………………….

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