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return to silent era

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this is my return to silent era video assignment.  I really liked the idea of remaking the modern remake of this film even older then the original.  There is a large amount of work represented here even though every step seems to make things easier.  Things like removing the audio and inserting an appropriate background music, and making the clip look older and not the HD that it is all sounds simple…its not.  first off the pace of my video was way to fast so slowing that down was the first thing i did. then I took out every part that was too fast , had too much dialogue, or generally didn’t fit with my idea.  I then found a soundtrack that matched the pace I had set my video to and still sounds great for True Grit.  cutting the exactly timed music clip and converting it into mp3 in audacity then into iTunes so iMovie will recognize it was a task in itself.  Then doctoring saturation, contrast, and brightness to hide the hd.


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