Toy Story 3 Horror Film (Trailer Mashup)
I created a trailer mashup where I took scenes from the original trailer for Toy Story 3 and changed it to seem like it’s a horror movie. Of course the creepy piano instrumental really helped to create that effect. Some other stuff I messed with was turning the saturation down to get rid of all the bright colors that were in the original footage. I also added some noise and film grain on top. One of the things that really helped making it more horror-like was slowing down the footage – which allowed it to go with the slow piano tune. Along with slowing it down, I also sped some parts up (seen in the beginning of the trailer). I tried to match the scenes with high and low points in the tune as well to make it seem synced with the music.
BTW, if you noticed the scene shown below was in the video, however it’s a scene from the old Toy Story, not Toy Story 3, but I just had to add it in since that spider-legs doll-head toy thing used to scare shit out of me, and I’m sure most would agree it was the creepiest toy in the seires!
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