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Tells internet story around us

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This is ds106 assignmnet that I chose:)

I’d like to do Tell Me a Story of Writing Assignmnments.

Everything has a story. So, find an item that you have an extreme emotional attachment to, take a picture of it, and tell the story! Convey all the emotion and feeling, and let us know why the item is important to you!

Two assignments from two different categories one of which must be from a category you haven’t yet attempted
 (if you’ve already done all eight categories you have free choice).
Your ds106 assignments need to be in some way related to the overarching theme of the Surfin’ on Sunshine section.
That means you need to create something that looks to or imagines a possible future related to Cyberspace and Society.
It needn’t be a utopian view. if you feel things are hopelessly out of control, a dystopian viewpoint might be more appropriate.
When I was elementary school student as 5 grade, I got cellphone from my parents because they usually went to work so it was good to talk together on cellphone.
The cellphone called PHS at the time. It is funny now and I think no one has this PHS.
But actually, I didn’t use a lot because I little bit scared to call them because they were hard workers.
My first impression of the cellphone was easy to carry and it’s cute of color. (It was blue and I decorated some stickers.)
When I was junior high school student, half of people have their own cellphone. My school had a strict rule so we could not bring our cellphone to school. But we exchanged our cellphone numbers and e-mail address at school and then we enjoyed keeping touch on our cellphone at our house. There was bad thing by having their own cellphone because there was underground portal weblog sites by school children.
It was getting worst problem at my school because there were lots of internet bullying on underground portal weblog sites by school children.
Even I ever been got problem on this sites. For example, someone said about me on this blog in a bad way but I never cared these things so it was fine to me. But, my friends who are little bit negative person got shocked about these saying. Some people were absent in a few days. At the time, I liked chatting with my friends on my friends but I didn’t use the internet of my cellphone a lot because I wasn’t interested in it.
When I was high school student, everyone had their own cellphone.  I really remenberd on entrance ceremony because everyone brought their own cellphone to exchange classmates’ cellphone numbers and e-mail adress:) At the time, Zenryaku Profile was really popular site. It was introducing sites about each person. Even I had it.hahaha Because of this sites, I was interested in the internet with my cellphone. In addition, I had a computer class which taught us how to make power point and when we do assignments, we searched lots of things at computer room.
My parents had their own computer for their work so I could not allow to use their computers. I did not have oppotunities to use computers. That is why I enjoyed using the internet with my cellphone instead of computers.
When I was graduated from high school, I got present from my dad and it was computer because I really wanted my computer to use it at TUJ:)
I regret that I did not learn and use computer a lot because I had to do everything such as register, attendance, schedule, and grade on the computer when I entered TUJ. Now, I can do everything but sometimes I got confused by using computer.LOL Also, types of cellphone changed because many people have smartphone such as Iphone. It is easy to connect the internet.
In addition, I’m taking CIS class!!!!!!! It is really improved my internet skill and it makes my happy;))
This is my story which relates the internet.
I made pictures of computers and cellphones!! I used photo mess which is free app.
Old computers were heavey and it wasn’t designed
However, new one is easy to bring to everywhere because it is really light.
In addition, many computer companies made lot of color variation.
Old cellphone seems too heavey as well. I’ve never seen it:(
Now, many people are using Iphone. Is’nt it???;)
Have you ever seen the last picture? This is watch type of new cellphone. It is coming soon!!
New type of smartphone by docomo will sell…..
Images by Google

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