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doppelganger/dr. seuss, remix assignment 3

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this was an assignment combination that the remix generator gave me, but there were only a few assignments to choose from and none of them were very appropriate for this.  also there is always a danger with remix assignments that you could offend the person who created the original work.  this is a perfect example.  what if the original subject ended up seeing his or her picture compared to the grinch or some other less then pleasant character.   its a very real problem  with remixes. does creating a work give you the rights to any and all modifications to the work.  there an even easier example thats possibly more profound, we talked in class about how the hitler movie went viral with different endings where ppl changed the dialogue.  this apparently increased the fame of the movie.  but is it really increasing the fame of the movie or subtracting from it.  i would argue that its not actually doing anything for the movie it self.  its definitely making it so that more ppl are familiar with the scene, but not the scene as the director intended it.  its infamy not honor in this case.  no one goes looking for that movie after they see a funny parody of that scene and more importantly this subtracts from the idea of what the director intended.  no one after seeing any of these parodies could EVER watch that movie and take that scene seriously.  art is never impersonal, humor normally is.  in altering a piece of art what ever it is, you alter the message.  you are putting words in the authors mouth because their name is attached to it.   you can’t separate the two. real art isn’t something you take and place on paper (or film) its something that after having encountered you leaves with your impression.  i am for remixes, creative commons, It think that If you surrender something to the public(and are making money from it)  its for the best interest of the many that any form of critique is allowed and real greatness will always rise above any negative outcomes of this, but more importantly most art is one person’s reality and that collective reality check that communal critique  allows is vital for human development.  we are complex beings, we are driven by biological needs and these are in complete contradiction to the thing that has always made humanity great, and given us our abilities as they are, our empathy.  why do we even have words like good and evil, empathy allows for love, justice, right, wrong.  art is an attempt at connection, a physical form of our greatest attribute.

unprecedented times.


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