So yesterday when I went to write a post about “Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom” I kept getting a page telling me that there was maintenance on my page . So, I will post what I would have posted yesterday today!
“There will be a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”
-Louis L’Amour
I think that this quote is awesome. I think that it is very important to always look ahead over your troubles. Life may be filled with problems, unfortunately more for some than others, but no matter what you can get over them and move on with your life. This quotes sort of means “with every closed door another opens”; a popular proverb. These words are very important to remember because sometimes phrases like this help get you through your days.
Well today is “get to know me Thursdays” so here’s my random fact!
I’ve been working at Carvel for six years. Sorry, that’s the best I can do right now considering I’ve been non-stop working and don’t have time to think about anything else. I never really feel like this job is “work”- I’m friends with everyone that works there and there are always people coming in that I know. It’s a fun, social job and I’m glad that I’ve held onto it for so many years! Let’s just hope after I graduate I can move on from Carvel and be a teacher!
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