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I think I survived Week 1 of Bootcamp but….

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So, I can say so far this course has definitely been an interesting and challenging one! I can honestly say that before I decided to take this course me and techonology did not mix together at all. When it comes to techonolgy I am a minimalist! I only use techonology when it is easy or when it is required! So me taking this course is definitely outside of my normal comfort zone.

The first tasks that we were assigned were to watch these videos posted up on our course website about art. I honestly thought the first video was pretty annoying. I just didn’t see the point in us watching a video that boring. The second video by Stephen Johnson was a bit better. The main thing that I took from it was that good ideas come from good practice. Good ideas come from trail and error. Nothing comes easy to anyone and I think that his whole video just confirmed that.

The next few tasks that we were assigned to do were pretty easy for the most parts. Like reading our syllabus, watching a view videos, making accounts to things such as Flickr and SoundCloud, setting up our domain and blog, and doing the DailyCreates were easy! However, I did run into some problems….First trying to figure out how to work this whole blog thing was a challenge. A challenge which I am still attempting to conquer. The other problem I am having is trying to figure out how to  embed a video from Youtube. I have literally tried everything and all I get is a link on my Blog. And I can’t embed my Twitter Status. I think that we need more clear directions on this whole matter, because I’ve been trying to figure this out for over an hour and it making me highly annoyed!!! This is one of the reasons why I hate technology. I hate it when I don’t get step-by-step directions on how to do something. So hopefully by the end of next weeks Bootcamp I can report that I have mastered both of these tasks!

So far my favorite part about this course has been the DailyCreate. There is something about doing these little side projects that reminds about mhy childhood. For example, for our first DailyCreate we were asked to draw a picture of our shoe using two colors. I decided to use the program Paint on my labtop because I didn’t have markers, crayons, or etc. This task was by far a funny and irrating one! I forgot how hard it was to make a good picture with Paint! Needless to say I think any 5 yearold could have made a better drawing then mine! However, me and a couple of my friends did get a good laugh out of my drawing!

Here it is and hopefully you will too! :

(I hope that I embedded this right!!)

Here is my About Me Page. It will just give you a few interesting facts about me that you would not have known otherwise!

Here is one of my Tweets that I sent to my professor about the course this week!

So overall, I think I survived this first week of Bootcamp…I still have a few things to master, so I will report back again and let you guys know how it is going!

<3 XoXo





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