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Weekly Summary#1

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First things first: twitter, flickr, youtube, soundcloud.

My first Daily Create is featured in my previous blogpost and below is my second:


The Daily Creates are a good way to keep me grounded in the class, much the same way attendance works in an in-person course.

Of this weeks media, Steven Johnsons “Where Good Ideas Come From” stuck out to me in particular. The process he mentioned, whereby we “borrow other peoples hunches and combine them with our hunches and create something new,” has been facilitated by the advent of the internet. A major obstacle to future innovation though is our “sue-happy” society and our crippling copyright laws. The ability to borrow and combine ideas has been challenged and could have legal ramification.

My introductory tweet:

I enjoyed my first week of class, I had a hard time getting set up across the web. I spend an awful lot of time online, but I’d call my self more of an “observer” than a “creator,” so I’m looking forward to this class changing that.


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