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Weekly Summary #2

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This week was a little bit easier to manage. I knew my way around my own website and how to add posts and I was able to manage my time throughout the week effectively. The proof is in the pudding! I’m not writing this Sunday night at 11:00 pm like I was almost sure I would have to do!

For this week’s dailycreates, I took a picture and posted it to my Flickr account of something being worn as a hat, that should not be a hat!

shouldn't be a hat

my second dailycreate is also posted to my Flickr account and it is of a spinning object! I chose to take a photo of my roommate’s fan that I was using at that time. I also wrote a blog post about this particular dailycreate: Dailycreate week 2


The third and final dailycreate this week was taking a photo of wide open space.



This project was so much harder than it had to be. I had so many problems figuring out how to make an animated gif becuase I couldn’t figure out which program I needed in order to do this. I had to do a lot of research and finally found a helpful video on Youtube on how to make a gif using Gifninja and windows movie maker.

I finally figured it out, however, and it is from Mean Girls because I absolutely love that movie!


This week we had to do research on the creative commons organization. This organization lets internet users license the work they publish so that they can be protected and so that others can use and build upon their ideas. This is the link to my post earlier this week.



I loved this task. I had a lot of fun trying new themes and colors and layouts, and I feel that this layout I chose represents me accurately. I feel that the new layout is easy to follow and is organized in a way that is very user friendly. I would have to say this was the most fun part of the class so far, considering I have been struggling my way through so far, but am feeling cautiously confortable at the end of this second week. While I feel that my reseraching capabilities have been able to help me thus far, I feel that it is inevitable that I will get assigned something that I just cannot figure out, and will be extremely stressed. However, the customization process was awesome and I have to tag this post as Section1KicksBootcampButt!

I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next week :)


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